Monday 19 May 2014

The building bug.......caught again from Salute 2010.....

Back for Salute 2010 I built a few scenery pieces for the Frothers Unite game 'Frotherheim'. Kind of a 'Mordheim' (now defunct, I believe, GW game) meets the Frothers is renowned for the world over. Or maybe just locally.........anyway, I just found my WIP pieces on my old photobucket account so thought I would share. Once I get some headway into the new building I will post some pics of those as well. Far too early to invite c&c....

The game in progress....a somewhat slimmer (and hairier) me on the right of the pic accompanied by the young Boki Grombal of Stunties fame.

This is the game where I had promised to paint an Otherworld Giant miniature....I had 2 weeks to do it and ended up like this on the morning before getting the train to London....the whole story here.

the buildings blocks c/o the recently tiled kitchen....great fun slicing and dicing mini mosaic tiles with a tile cutter. Messy but fun. The laser cut CD rounds were c/o Ian at Fenris Games...happy to do anything for a buck......

The Well of Doom.........

Barry Minot pieces for the Nymphorium....

This Clan War demon didn't make it past the cleaning up and basing stage....

Froth Towers takes shape...with a Foundry Viking for size....come on down Ragnar Lothbrook....

The tile placement was very laborious but gave quite a 'natural and gothic' feel to the build.


Inspired by fishing programmes seen over the years....

Plastic Skaven..a lot nicer than I thought they would be....

A watch tower sort of thingy.....

Undead skaven Rat Ogre or similar name...

A good Mordheim site here and it is soon to be PC based...even I might get involved in that.....more details  here.

As always;

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