Sunday 12 April 2015

Apologies for the hiatus......

As the title enforced break due to divorce, storage, lawyers, night shifts and living in a hotel...... There is light on the horizon and normal service should be resumed within a few weeks.... Salute 2015 is at the end of the month which always features as a highlight of my hobby year.


Springinsfeld said...

All the best for the future Dave. Hope things are on a more even keel soon. Enjoy yourself at Salute.

Independentwargamesgroup said...

Afternoon Dave,
You seem to have gone for the full set of very stressful life incidents in one go. Still its sometimes best to 'do' them all at once, a bit like pulling a plaster off a hairy leg, if you know what I mean.
Best of luck, cant wait myself for Salute.

Quendil said...

Hope things settle down for you.
All the best